
God Is Here Hymn Lyrics (Revive the Hearts of All)

1. God is here, and that to bless us
With the Spirit’s quick’ning power;
See, the cloud already bending,
Waits to drop the grateful showe


Let it come, O Lord, we pray Thee,
Let the shower of blessing fall;
We are waiting, we are waiting,
Oh, revive the hearts of all.

2. God is here! we feel His presence
In this consecrated place;
But we need the soul refreshing
Of His free, unbounded grace. [Refrain]

3. God is here! oh, then, believing,
Bring to Him our one desire,
That His love may now be kindled,
Till its flame each heart inspire. [Refrain]

4. Savior, grant the prayer we offer,
While in simple faith we bow,
From the windows of Thy mercy
Pour us out a blessing now. [Refrain]

Check this hymn in Kamba version here.

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