Consider the Hand of the Lord in your Affliction John Flavel John Flavel token for mourners
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Consider the Hand of the Lord in your Affliction – John Flavel

By John Flavel’s book, A Token for Mourners

“I was silent, I opened not my mouth; because You are the one who has done this!” Psalm 39:9

If you would bear the loss of your dear relations with moderation, then eye God in the whole process of the affliction more, and secondary causes and circumstances of the matter less.

Consider the hand of the Lord in your affliction, particularly:

1. As a sovereign hand, which has the right to dispose of you and all your comforts, without your permission or consent.

2. As a father’s hand, correcting you in love and faithfulness. “Whom the LORD loves He corrects, as a father the son in whom he delights.” Oh, if once you could but see affliction as a rod in your heavenly father’s hand, proceeding from His love, and intended for your eternal good—how submissive you would then be!

And surely if it draws your heart nearer to your God, and mortifies it more to this vain world—then it is a rod in the hand of His special love. If your trial ends in your love to God, doubt not but it comes from God’s love to you.

3. As a just and righteous hand. Yes, the Lord is just in all that has come upon you. Whatever He has done, He has done you no wrong.

4. As a moderate and merciful hand, that has punished you less than your iniquities deserve. He who has cast you into affliction, might have justly cast you into Hell! It is of the Lord’s mercy that you are not consumed.

“Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Job 2:10

Learn from the death of your loved ones: the vanity of the creature, and the emptiness and nothingness of the best things here below!

Affliction is a bitter pill, which, being enrapt in patience and quiet submission, may be easily swallowed. But discontent chews the pill, and so embitters the soul.

O how many have been carried smoothly to Hell in the chariots of earthly pleasures; while others have been whipped to Heaven by the rod of affliction!

Read Also: Justification by Faith by Charles Spurgeon

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